Sunday, March 1, 2015

Eric Holder Defends Al Sharpton's Ties To White House, Despite Tax Debts

At tax time, many Americans might find it pretty tempting to emulate Rev. Al Sharpton. After all, he seems to get by just fine no matter how many taxes he owes and no matter for how long. And he seems to be more of a fixture at the White House than Lois Lerner’s hard drive. Even Politico seems to be scratching its collective head. Politico was where Lois Lerner broke her silence.
And Politico just asked outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, “Is Al Sharpton too close to this White House?” The softball interviewer who had the temerity to make such an outrageous suggestion was Mike Allen, Politico’s chief White House correspondent. That such a question is even being asked by Democrats who rarely question the President is a surprise.
Mr. Sharpton has been accused , for example, by Eric Garner’s daughter, of being all about the money. And yet the reverend and activist owes New York State over $900,000 from 2008 and 2010 taxes, and greater sums to the IRS. With about $4.5 million in tax liens, most taxpayers know they would be pushed and prodded to pay. Mr. Sharpton, however, seems graced by a kind of Teflon liturgical outfit. 

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