Tuesday, February 3, 2015

llegal Immigration

Tell me again how good and righteous it is to release illegal immigrants held in custody for committing crimes.  Quote: “The Obama administration claims that it is using ‘prosecutorial discretion’ to prioritize the removal of criminal aliens from this country. But this report shows the disturbing truth: 1,000 undocumented aliens previously convicted of crimes who the administration released in 2013 have gone on to commit further crimes in our communities.”  And, "The 1,000 illegal immigrants in the data were part of a group of 36,007 convicted criminals that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had been holding but decided to release in 2013." http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/30/illegal-immigrants-released-custody-committed-1000/  My question is where is the so called "prosecutorial discretion'' if known criminals are released and allowed to once again commit crimes against innocents along with tax payers who bear the cost burdens for their additional crimes?

Regarding Obama's illegal immigration policies consider this quote: "The president last fall pledged temporary deportation relief for up to 5 million immigrants here illegally, allowing some to work here. He said he took the unilateral action because Congress had repeatedly failed to deliver immigration reform legislation. The first part in his plan is this month's expansion of the 2012 program for so-called "dreamers," those who were brought to the U.S. as young people. More than 500,000 young immigrants are already in the program."  Note that he said he took "unilateral action" because "Congress had repeatedly failed to deliver immigration reform legislation."  I am not a Constitutional scholar but I do know that our government is divided (or is suppose to be) into 3 coequal branches (to provide checks and balances among the branches).  Each branch is duly assigned a set of respective duties and responsibilities.  The only branch, I repeat, the only branch charged with writing laws is the Congress.  If you don't believe me read Article I, Sections 1 and 8 of the Constitution.  And then read Article II - there is noting, I repeat, nothing there that says the President can write a law regarding immigration or anything else.  He can make recommendations to Congress for their consideration.  He also can sign or veto laws dutifully passed by Congress.  But he cannot make law or dictate to Congress what laws it must enact.  With respect to the nation's laws passed by Congress and signed into law, however, President Obama's only Constitutionally assigned responsibility is to enforce them.  That's it.  I am perfectly aware that executive actions are enacted by presidents and if not challenged by either of the coequal branches after a period of time have the force of law.  The right to enact executive actions, however, is nowhere in Article II.  It is a mere unconstrained precedent that has long existed because it has been unchecked by the Congress and Judiciary.  Nor has Congress seen fit to enact a law defining the precise nature and limits of presidential executive actions.  Thus, they have allowed the Executive Branch to unilaterally expand presidential powers far beyond the scope and intent of the Constitution.  Since both Congress and the Judiciary have been derelict in exercising their Checks and Balances responsibilities the executive branch is now, and increasingly so, more equal than either of them.  Obama's illegal illegal immigration executive actions are just the latest in a line of  examples.  Executive actions confined to operations of the Executive Branch are perfectly legitimate.  Those having the effect of federal law are not.  And finally the Constitution clearly states in Article I, Section 8 that it is Congress which has the responsibility to "establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization".  Nowhere in Article II, I repeat nowhere, does it state the President has any role in immigration aside from enforcing applicable immigration laws of the United States.  http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-immigration-daca-obama-20150131-story.html  The way this whole matter gets treated by the President and other elites in government, Congress, Judiciary, academia, media and certain special interest groups is a disgrace.  

George Burns

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