Thursday, February 5, 2015

About The Economy

The title of this piece says it all. "The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment"  

This adds to the Big Lie exposure, and then some.   Quote: "Williams believes 2015 will be the year in which the Obama administration’s “Big Lie” regarding the economy’s strength will turn into the “Big Truth,” with Americans forced to deal with stock market turmoil and a dollar under attack and declining in value. He expects to see the real price of goods and services skyrocket, as the U.S. enters inevitably a long-term cycle of economic decline, persistent high unemployment and hyperinflation."

And here:  Look beyond the hype and examine the facts before celebrating.

Given that the US has over 90 million eligible works out of work, why is it that the federal government is working so hard to grant worker permits to aliens?   I know all about their excuses for issuing them but what I really want to know is what are their real reasons.   As I am sure you know some of the reasons for Americans being out of jobs is that it is too easy not to go to work if the government gives them free money courtesy of tax payers and implementation of Obamacare and its 30 hour work week ruling makes it is a money saver to not work in order to get free or tax payer subsidized healthcare insurance.  There are other examples but these suffice.

The economy is there for the government not for the individuals who do the work.  The government, banking and "big" business industries have a good thing going.  Here is one example of how government and banking collaborate to take (maybe steal is a better word) "little" business people's money.  And other things.  Quote: "In light of a forfeiture case that Lynch's office [Obama's nominee for Attorney General] had abruptly dropped the previous week, her assurances rang hollow. The case, involving $447,000 that the government stole from a Long Island business and sat on for nearly three years, illustrates the injustice inflicted by seizures in which a "crime" that harms no one becomes an excuse for bank heists that enrich the agencies perpetrating them."

Another big lie is that all people receiving welfare checks and food stamps, etc. deserve them.  Not so.  Quote: "There have been numerous reports of the abuses in the welfare state. Sadly, the abuse I witnessed is not an isolated case. The Daily Signal reported, “An analysis of a Colorado Department of Human Services welfare ATM withdrawals database shows that $3.8 million was withdrawn by Colorado welfare recipients outside the state in the past two years. There were withdrawals at out-of-state liquor stores and tobacco outlets, as well as vacation destinations such as Hawaii, Las Vegas and even the Virgin Islands, data shows.”

George Burns

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's what happens in a contracting economy with expanding debt. This is a just a story within a bigger story. Why did these people take bar tending jobs? Because whatever they were doing before was making less money, or they were unemployed or laid off. Why did we start drilling so much oil in the US? Because what we were doing before was becoming less profitable. Why are developers building apartments in cities? Because the suburban expansion was becoming less profitable. Why are people moving to city apartments? Because they can't afford houses and the Jobs are disappearing from the suburbs and rural locales. Companies like Air BnB and Uber and Groupon, insurance panda, are profitable based on one principal: offering services cheaper than they were before. This trend of "innovation" is capitalizing on a shrinking economy. These are plays that capitalize and exacerbate deflationary pressure. Radio Shack is over. Office space and Staples merger. The writing is on the wall.