Monday, February 2, 2015

Can You Believe This Guy?

So, what's new.  Spend, spend, spend.  Pay no mind to the damage done to the middle class Americans who pay the bulk of the costs of his foolishness.  And, what about the $1.5 trillion deficit Obamacare alone gives us?   Not to mention his well over $7 trillion from past years.  He by himself has accumulated more debt for the country than all previous presidents combined.

He has not a single shred of ethics in his system.  He says he is doing all he can to help the middle class.  Yet everything he does runs counter to what he says.  Here is a capitulation of the increases he has either imposed or proposes for the middle class.

There is evidence that Obama's intense personal dislike of Netanyahu and Israel is so visceral that he has launched a campaign to oust him as Prime Minister of Israel.  What business he has messing with internal Israeli affairs is beyond me but that is exactly what he is up to.  Past presidents have done similar things.  But, that does not make it right.  Think about it.  Do you want some outsider, a prominent leader of another country trying to oust our president, no matter how bad he is.  Quote: "WND reported this week from Tel Aviv that a consulting firm almost entirely composed of former staffers of Obama’s re-election campaign had been hired to run an election effort in Israel aimed at defeating Netanyahu.  The report noted it appeared that Bird, national field director for Obama’s 2012 campaign, is now working for the nonprofit group V15, on the campaign."  He is using OUR taxpayer money to do his dastardly deeds.  The real fact is that Obama has no business being President of the United States.  He is dishonest, vindictive, unethical and a total disaster.

George Burns

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