Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Obama scandals' case for limited government

"It's an interesting case study, right," former President Obama adviser David Axelrod told the crew of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday, "because if you look at the inspector general's report, apparently some folks down in the bureaucracy, ya know -- we have a large government -- took it upon themselves to shorthand these applications for tax-exempt status in a way that, as I said, was idiotic."
Axelrod has since been proven wrong about his assertion that the IRS' targeting of conservative nonprofits was limited to two low-level employees in Cincinnati, but he is absolutely right that the IRS scandal is a great case study of our "large government."
"Part of being president," Axelrod continued, "is there is so much beneath you that you can't know because the government is so vast." 

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