have heard President Obama, officials in his administration, many
members of Congress, Mr. Bernanke of the Federal Reserve and a whole
host of pundits tell us the economy is rebounding and the job market is
improving. How they can make such proclamations is beyond me. I'm
pretty sure those who have lost their jobs, their homes and their
dignity would not agree. What about the fact that the number of part
time jobs is rising while full time jobs are declining. According to The
Economic Institute the number of people who have stopped looking for
work since late 2007 is 6.7 million. Furthermore, the ever increasing
number of people relying on various government aid programs just so they
can survive contradicts such a notion. Yet they persist in telling us
what most of us know is simply not true. Not being an economist, maybe I
just don't understand. But, common sense tells me that we are
being lied to. The short piece at the first link illustrates why I say
that. Just one sentence should seal the deal..."In our current malaise,
we have been at this 5 years and employment is still 2.2 million people
below the employment number in April 2008." Get that? Five years
after the supposed recovery started the number of people employed today
is 2.2 million actually less than it was in April 2008. All the
while the number of working aged citizens has increased. The second
link adds more detail. Does that sound like improvement to
you? George Burns
It's becoming increasingly difficult to discern fact from fiction, and unfortunately the media has a strong bias. They spin stories to make conservatives look bad and will go to great lengths to avoid reporting on the good that comes from conservative policies. There are a few shining lights in the media landscape-brave conservative outlets that report the truth and offer a different perspective. We must support conservative outlets like this one and ensure that our voices are heard.
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