Saturday, September 1, 2012

Paul Ryan Lied

Just because a news organization puts the words “fact check” in front of a story, doesn’t make it factually correct.  Yet, this seems to be the case with various news organizations, including the Washington Post and Politifact.  After cleaning the skid marks out of their shorts in the wake of Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech at the RNC, these reporters and members of the media immediately had to find a way to discredit him.  So they went straight for a mindless argument: Paul Ryan lied!  By the way, I’d like to point out that the ObamaMedia happened to come up with this “he lied” argument at the exact same time that the Obama propagandists – Stephanie Cutter, Jim Messina – pushed the same exact argument.  Coincidence?
Anyway … you can expect mindless uproars like this from now until Election Day.  Why?  Because the Romney/Ryan campaign will be forced to spend precious time debunking these asinine proggie claims, rather than focusing on the issues.  This is by design.  The more that Romney and Ryan are forced off message, the better it is for Barack Obama in November.  For the most part --- and there are a few exceptions – the ObamaMedia is more than happy to carry Obama’s water on this.  The Obama will send the signal … Ryan lied … and the ObamaMedia jumps.  “This is our assignment!  This is how we move Romney and Ryan off message for a few days … let’s get to it!”
I’m a stickler when it comes to the use of the word “lie.”  A lie is told when the person telling it knows it to be untrue at the time he says it.  Question – How did Paul Ryan lie about Medicare, as Obama campaign propagandist Jim Messina claims?  It is a fact that ObamaCare strips about $700 billion from Medicare in order to pay for this new entitlement.  It is a fact that we as taxpayers cannot support Medicare at its current rate forever.  The numbers don’t add up.  Just because these facts are inconvenient for the Obama administration, doesn’t make them untrue.   So how does the ObamaMedia defend their “Ryan lied about Medicare” bit?  They say that Ryan also proposed Medicare cuts in HIS budget.  That constitutes a lie?

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