Saturday, September 29, 2012


I am sure that most Americans, including many residents of New York’s Capital Region (where I live) and other rural areas of America, have never heard of a United Nations’ program called ‘Agenda 21.’ Even if they have heard the name, they are most likely unaware that Agenda 21 poses one of the greatest threats to their individual liberty, freedoms, property rights and even their country’s sovereignty.

The Agenda 21 movement started on the international level more than 20 years ago as various international non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) combined their global plans for a new world order with their counterparts in the worldwide “green movement” to thoroughly outline an agenda that would completely change and curtail human activity on the planet. Most prominent in these plans was one written and delivered by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the UN-sponsored Earth Summit back in 1992. It was called Agenda 21. Proponents of the ideas outlined in the original Agenda 21 plan said it was just a suggestion with no teeth for enforcement in the United States.

However, since 1992, there has been a definite correlation between the ideas set forth in Agenda 21 and a massive growth of American government under the policy of “Sustainable Development” – the exact policy outlined in Agenda 21. According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social justice, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. The danger is in how that is to be accomplished in the United States.

The main action arm of Agenda 21 was founded in 1990 and was called the 'International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives’ or ICLEI. It is now called ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability. According to its website, ICLEI now has over 1,220 local government members who are committed to sustainable development, in 70 different countries representing over a half a billion people. There are over 600 cities, town, counties and states in the USA listed as participants of Agenda 21 on the ICLEI. If you want to know why Agenda 21 poses such a threat to our way of life in America, and who is behind it, below are quotes from three of the founders and original planners of Agenda 21:

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