Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama meme: Blame Americans first

When the president of the United States says something that is manifestly untrue, we Americans call that a lie. Think “Mission Accomplished.” And when Obama and his political appointees insisted that the attacks in Libya and Egypt on 9/11/12 that resulted in the death of our ambassador and three other Americans was a “mindless” act caused by a spontaneous mob angry about “an offensive video” – but knew instead that the attacks were premeditated by terrorists, that is also a lie. Worse still, it is a lie that fits the pattern of the Obama administration and Obama himself: Excuse the extremists and find an American to blame. Yes, an idiot American, but one exercising his constitutionally mandated right to be an idiot.
Ever since his maiden foreign policy outing in Cairo, Barack Obama and administration officials have too often insisted that America is the root cause of its own troubles in the world. Don’t take my word for it. Here’s the evidence.
  1. “9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. The fear and anger that it provoked was understandable, but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our ideals. We are taking concrete actions to change course.”
  2. “My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect. But if you look at the track record, as you say, America was not born as a colonial power, and that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there’s no reason why we can’t restore that.”
  3. “All of us must now renew the common stake that we have in one another. I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms.”
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