Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Nantucket ICE Arrests Show Why ‘Got-Away’ Migrants Keep Border Patrol Chief Up at Night

Each crossed illegally without being apprehended — and those arrests explain why the Border Patrol chief told CBS News in March that such “got-aways” are “keeping [him] up at night”.

Often, that definition is used informally to denote what are called “known got-aways”, aliens spotted coming in illegally whom Border Patrol agents are unable to apprehend.

On September 12, ICE Enforcement and Operations (ERO) officers in the tony vacation getaway of Nantucket, Mass., arrested a 30-year-old MS-13 member who entered the United States illegally, just one of several illegal entrant criminals the agency has nabbed there in recent weeks.

While the descriptor “got-away” may sound like slang, it’s actually a term of art, defined in federal statute as “an unlawful border crosser who- (A) is directly or indirectly observed making an unlawful entry into the United States; (B) is not apprehended; and (C) is not a turn back”.


Angel Gabriel Deras-Mejia.

In any event, the chief is dispositively correct: Many got-aways do represent a threat to our communities, as the recent wave of ICE arrests of criminal aliens in Nantucket demonstrates. 


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