Tuesday, October 1, 2024

More Than 200 Retired Admirals And Generals Endorse Trump

 In a letter published Monday morning, Flag Officers 4 America issues a stinging indictment of the failed policies of President Joe Biden and his cackling vice president, Kamala Harris, the Democrats replacement standard bearer following the party's silent coup in July.

The endorsement is also a counter shot at the recent letter from Trump-hating former national security officials endorsing Harris.

The retired admirals and generals argue America is at a stark crossroads, with the nearly 250-year-old republic facing an existential choice between standing with the constitution and " its underlying traditional values which have made America great" or continuing down the path to "The deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural marxism." "Today our Nation has never been more divided as the cultural war, supported by the Democratic party, divides our citizens into conflicting groups," states the letter, signed by highly decorated commanders such as Maj. General Patrick H. Brady, Maj. General James E. Livingston, and Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen.

A wide open border has allowed millions of "Unvetted illegals from 160 countries," including 100,000 Chinese, most of military age, "Plus thousands of criminals and terrorists" to pour into the country and "Place America at great risk." "Future terrorist attacks of some size and U.S. soil are a near certainty," the letter states.

The same corporate media players eviscerated Flag Officers 4 America's public letter in 2021 criticizing how the 2020 presidential election was rigged, particularly in critical swing states.

In the letter, the retired admirals and generals warned about the Biden-Harris administration's open border policies, its censoring of speech, its reengagement with Iran in the "Flawed Iran Nuclear Deal", and Biden's immediate order killing the Keystone Pipeline.

Ultimately, the retired admirals and generals ask Americans the simple but critical question Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan asked in late October 1980: Are you better off than you were four years ago? "We must ask: 'Is our national security stronger or weaker today than four years ago?' The answer is clear," the letter argues.


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