Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bill Gates uses vaccines and genetically modified crops to impoverish and reduce the world’s population

Bill Gates, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has funded various scientific research programs and vaccination initiatives, such as “Grand Challenges Explorations.” It’s not only his investment in vaccines globally that is the problem.

Gates’ advocacy for vaccines is intertwined with population control, with many concluding his true interest is in reduced fertility or even the elimination of a significant portion of the world’s population.

His Foundation has invested in genetically modified crops research, claiming to help African farmers grow their own food but it has led to dependence on large corporations for seeds, pesticides and equipment.

Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population, Natural News, 1 October 2010 • (5) [Link provided by Truth Wiki is now private view only.

In addition to vaccines, he has also supported genetically modified organisms in food, which have been linked to health and environmental issues such as the development of super-bugs and super-weeds.

Below is Truth Wiki’s page on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To date, only four African nations have released GM crops, but the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has its goals and aspirations. 


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