Saturday, October 26, 2024

Actuarial Analysis Unmasks Impossible Voter Turnouts at the Precinct Level in 11 Virginia Counties

In the run up to the 2020 General election, Virginia Democrats in full control of elections did a curious thing - they mandated that absentee mail-in ballot totals processed through the Central Absentee Precinct centers would not be reported at the precinct level, but rather as a single total at the county level.

Precinct turnout statistics are simply the precinct vote totals divided by the total registrations for the precinct.

For each of the 11 counties, the total number of precincts is presented, as well as the number of precincts calculated as having turnout rates greater than 90% and precincts with turnout statistics between 80% and 90%. It would normally be assumed that very few precincts would have turnout statistics greater than 90%, and likely a limited number being between 80% and 90%. Examination of the table reveals that all 11 counties in the study exhibited an extremely unlikely number of precincts with unrealistically turnout statistics.

In his Precinct Mapping Project, Keshel prepared precinct-level "Heat Maps" for each county he analyzed, and color coded the precincts according to his assessment of the level of probable election fraud.

Precincts in red have turnout statistics greater than 90%, those in orange have statistics between 80% and 90%, those in yellow between 75% and 80%, and the remainder are in gray.

The Turnout Heat Map for Henrico suggests that there were fraudulent ballots injected in the election in precincts along the Patterson Ave, I-64, and Staples Mill corridors, as well as immediately around Richmond and Mechanicsville.

Further, the analysis of turnout statistics and the geographic distribution of precincts with unrealistic turnout statistics as presented in the Heat Maps is suggestive of material fraud throughout Virginia in the 2020 General election, particularly around urban areas and along transportation corridors. 

The findings presented here are part of a larger report which may be downloaded from

[1] Gateway Pundit October 18, 2024, article link –

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