Friday, April 26, 2024

Why Has The Left Finally Noticed Pedophilia?

 Among the people featured in the film is Liz Crokin, a veteran reporter and columnist who sacrificed any career ambitions she might have had to report on child sex trafficking.

The media's eagerness to tar anyone who addressed the pedophilia issue with the "QAnon" brush says more about the media than about the person tarred.

"Sound of Freedom," a film about real-life Department of Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard's efforts to stop child sex trafficking, proved to be a box office hit.

Explained Time magazine, the film became "Mired in controversy over criticisms that it features misleading depictions of child exploitation and plays into right-wing conspiracy theories associated with the QAnon movement."

So why has the Left started noticing? Paris Hilton seems to have no ulterior motive, but savvy Democrats do.

While many on the Left ridiculed those concerned with child sex trafficking, Trump screened "Sound of Freedom" at his New Jersey golf course.

"We're so tribal now," said Maher, "The Left will overlook if the guy from the wrong party calls it out." To prove his liberal credentials, I should add, Maher used a phrase more vulgar, much more, than "Child abuse."

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