Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Robin Hood Effect

Part of the heightened pushback to expensive "Green energy" directives and farming regulations stems from enhanced public awareness that Western governments flood the information space with fake news meant to justify more expansive and intrusive government control.

For critical thinkers who are cognizant of governments' longstanding use of psychological and sociological "Dark arts" to manipulate their own citizens, the public's "Awakening" may seem too late, slow, or insignificant.

If governments enforce reasonable laws in an impartial way, conscientious citizens will dutifully comply.

Government offices assist foreign nationals in skirting existing work rules, identification requirements, and other domestic laws.

Just as an immoral law is no law at all, an unjust legal system requires moral people to seek justice elsewhere.

Democrat politicians in Denver parrot the same Orwellian language used in other crime-sponsoring jurisdictions by insisting that illegal aliens be called "Newcomers." When government agents employ euphemisms to hide their own criminal activities, honest citizens take note.

Because venal government agents put the public's safety at risk, law-abiding citizens learn that they cannot stake their families' lives on the defunct rule of law.

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