Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Political Left Has Proven Beyond A Doubt That They Are Authoritarians

Nearly 20 years ago when I started my work in the independent media the common mantra among my peers was noting the existence of the "False left/right paradigm" - The idea that Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same and were working towards the same exact authoritarian goals.

Democrats on the other hand have gone in the complete opposite direction.

If you want to piss off authoritarian Democrats trying to control what you say and what you think, you put Trump in their faces for another 4 years.

In case you had any doubts at all or know people that still defend them, here are just a handful of examples of the worst authoritarian crimes committed by Democrats in the past four years alone Weaponizing The Legal System Using Selective Prosecution When Democrats talk about "Equity" in criminal justice, what they are referring to is the unbalanced application of law depending on the ethnicity or political beliefs of the people being charged.

These people tried to hold the country hostage the vast majority of those that were actually arrested were released and never charged by Democrat District Attorneys and prosecutors.

All the governors and legislators involved were accused by Democrats and the media of "Killing Americans" because of their defense of freedom.

Some Democrats including Biden even threatened to go "Door-to-door" to vaccinate individuals, though the official position was that they would instead seek to "Make life so hard" for the unvaxxed that anyone in refusal would eventually be forced to comply.

Democrats embraced medical tyranny, conservatives did not.

Democrats are going so far as to pass laws allowing children to engage in sex change procedures including hormone blockers and surgeries without parental consent.

For a Democrat, any speech that is detrimental to their goal of extorting public support for their policies suddenly becomes "Radical." The label is designed to elicit images of terrorism and fascism, as if mere words are magical and can compel the public to do great evil without them realizing it.

Democrats lean heavily on mass censorship, as we have seen with nearly every Big Tech social media platform and corporate news platform in the past few years. 


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