Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Democrats’ Anti-Business Policies Create The Food Deserts They Decry

Across the country, from San Francisco to Seattle to New York to Boston, stores are closing because of crime.

Rather than recognize that stores are closing because they can't make a profit due to the extraordinary amounts of crime, Democrats are blaming you guessed it: Racism.

Thus, communist, racist, Democrat Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley has assailed the fact that CVS is closing another store in a minority community, not because of shoplifting or security or losing money, but because of "Racial and economic discrimination." But of course, she's not alone in her unhinged take on stores closing.

Once a store that operated at a profit providing desired services to a community, can no longer do so, it must become the caretaker of the community.

In St. Louis, the Democrat mayor wants to hold stores and gas stations liable for the violence happening close to their stores.

Last month at a mayor's conference, she said: "We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime?" Under this logic, businesses not only have to face the myriad challenges that come with running a profitable store in the best of circumstances but now must also endure staggering levels of crime and shoplifting within the store while also being held responsible for the crime near their establishments...crime driven by Democrats have defunded the police and enacted soft on crime policies.

If all of that wasn't enough, Democrats just defined as "Racist" convenience stores seeking to protect themselves and customers by refusing to hire convicted felons. 

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