Tuesday, April 23, 2024

THE DEMOCRAT ELECTION STEAL IS IN MOTION: 1.7 Million Mysterious Voter Registrations Recorded in Texas Since 2020

Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote released a shocking video on Monday regarding a mysterious surge in Texas voter registrations since the beginning of 2024.

Texas added 1.8 million new registrations before the 2020 election.

That's an 11 percent increase! Democrat groups are also spending tens of millions on groups that claim they are "Get out the vote" efforts, but are they really? The Gateway Pundit broke the news last year on how one group, GBI strategies in Michigan, was caught dumping 8,000 to 10,000 ballot registrations into one county in Michigan.

The FBI later took over this investigation where it went to die over three years ago! Catherine Engelbrecht fired a warning shot on Monday at Republican voters.

Catherine suspects thousands of these registrations are Joe Biden's illegal aliens.

Catherine Engelbrecht: The Social Security Administration released those numbers of how many checks states had done regarding voter registrations coming into their systems with only the last four of the social security number, which caused an uproar in social media, rightly questioning what is happening with these huge numbers, particularly in border states.

Just as soon as... I mean, like one day after those numbers came out, you saw in Texas where the Social Security Administration said that I believe the number was something like 1.2 million registrations had come in since 2024 that met that criteria, which has, frankly, the fingerprints of potential alien registration all over it.


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