Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Swing-State Voters Sour On Endless Ukraine Funding

Polling from the Heritage Foundation shows that swing-state voters are increasingly tired of America's endless funding of Ukraine, especially with our southern border wide open for the ongoing invasion that His Fraudulency Joe Biden has deliberately created.

One of the leaders of the Republican Party, House Speaker Mike Johnson, continues to push and push for Ukraine funding without demanding we first secure our own country from invasion.

The questions focused on the ongoing funding of Ukraine versus securing our own border and found that a majority have soured on Ukraine and want our border secure.

When asked, "Is it more important to secure border or to provide funding to Ukraine," only 11 percent of swing voters sided with Ukraine.

The next question asked if those surveyed would "Favor or oppose" a proposal that provided "Funding for Ukraine but no funding to secure the southern border." A whopping 75 percent either "Somewhat" or "Strongly" opposed putting Ukraine's security above our own.

"Our latest polling indicates that Americans in key swing states believe that securing our own southern border should be a higher priority than funding Ukraine."

Tying Ukraine funding to our own border is smart politics, a way to use Ukraine - which Democrats and the fake media are obsessed with - to call attention to our own problems and force politicians to come out and admit they care more about Ukraine than Americans.

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