Thursday, April 18, 2024

RUSSIA DERANGEMENT SYNDROME: U.S. Stupidly Cuts Off Own Supply Of Metals In Anti-Putin Move

From now on, no more of these Russian-origin metals will be imported into either the U.S. or the UK, nor will any more of these Russian-origin metals appear on global exchanges.

Starting on April 13, 2024, the leading commodity exchanges - the London Metal Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange - banned trade in Russian-origin metals, effectively cutting off the Western supply of these metals.

In a statement, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the prohibitions "Continue to target the revenue Russia can earn" to fund its special military operation in Ukraine.

Washington's latest decision to ban Russian metals was "Probably based on calculations that commodity prices will not skyrocket in the U.S. itself," Antonov noted, adding that the U.S. had already reduced its own imports of Russian metals to a bare minimum.

"Let the U.S. sanction itself into complete isolation and oblivion," one commenter wrote about this truly stupid move by Yellen and her gang.

Someone else wrote that Russia really needs to start playing hard ball at this point by working more closely with China, which sounds as if it is currently in the works, to "Strangle the U.S. and the UK."

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