Wednesday, April 17, 2024

‘Don’t!’ – Or Ten Ways to Guarantee a Theater-Wide War

 Issue hollow Obama-like "Redlines" or serial Biden threats to aggressive enemies like the vapid "Don't!" Witness a U.S. President who works a 3-day week, struggles to read a teleprompter, and shouts more at conservative Americans than at America's enemies.

Abandon thousands of NATO allies, thousands of U.S. contractors, and thousands of Afghan allies.

Sit passively while a Chinese spy balloon traverses the continental U.S. Shoot it down only after days of escalating public outrage.

Threaten to cut off military aid to the only democratic government and longest U.S. ally in the Middle East should it finish off Hamas.

Transfer U.S. weapons stocks from Israel to Ukraine.

Run up the U.S deficit by $1 trillion every 100 days through reckless spending for entitlements, massive green subsidies, and DEI initiatives-while neglecting American shortages of munition stocks, arms, ships, and planes.

Recalibrate the U.S. military by substituting DEI criteria for past meritocracy.

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