Monday, April 22, 2024

Democrat Congressman Introduces Legislation Aimed At Removing Donald Trump's Secret Service Protection

 A Democrat congressman has introduced legislation to terminate Secret Service protection for anyone convicted of a "Federal or State offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year."

In a fact sheet of the bill, Thompson made it clear the legislation would apply to President Trump.

"Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson ran the January 6 committee, which mixed elements of show trial and reality series. Focused solely on Trump, of course. Now, Thompson wants to take away Trump's Secret Service protection if Trump is convicted on any of the 88 felony charges levelled against him by elected Democratic prosecutors and a Biden Justice Department appointee. Obvious subtext here is that removing USSS would make it easier for someone to kill Trump, which is arguably the goal of Thompson's bill, H.R. 8081: The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act," York said.

"House Democrats move to try to ensure Trump is murdered by removing his Secret Service protection?" Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton questioned.

"They're literally trying to remove Trump's Secret Service protection under a new bill. If this happens, and something happens to him, BLOOD is on your hands. And we won't let that go," Ryan Fournier stated.

President Trump is facing 34 charges in the case, with each count carrying a maximum jail time of four years.

In the case, President Trump is alleged to have falsified his business records regarding diverting funds to his former lawyer Michael Cohen.

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