Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dem. Rep. Introduces Bill To Make It Easier To Kill Trump

"Rep. Bennie Thompson on Friday introduced a bill to"terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons.

" Thompson evidently doesn't count a competent prose stylist among his handlers, for the "Short Title" of this bill is as verbose as it is grandiose, self-important, and silly: ''This Act may be cited," it announces on its first page "As the 'Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act' or the 'DISGRACED Former Protectees Act.'".

"Thompson's bill stipulates that Secret Service protection"shall terminate for any person upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year.

You see, this malignant clown just wants "Equity": as a convicted felon, which he likely soon will be given our two-tier "Justice" system, Trump shouldn't get better treatment in prison than any other convicted felon.

Thompson argues in a fact sheet for the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act, that the bill "Would remove the potential for conflicting lines of authority within prisons and allow judges to weigh the sentencing of individuals without having to factor in the logistical concerns of convicts with Secret Service protection." In other words, a corrupt leftist judge will be able to feel free to throw the book at the left's Emmanuel Goldstein without having to take into account distracting matters such as the logistics of having Secret Service agents effectively sentenced to prison along with him.

Democrats have been trying to kill Trump politically for years, and what they have thrown at him would have been enough to destroy the political careers of a thousand RINOs.

Now, with leftists crazier, more aggressive, and more emboldened than ever before in American history, and increasingly inclined to resort to violence against those whom they hate and fear, Bennie Thompson wants to leave Trump defenseless against them as he serves time on the Democrats' fake charges against him. 


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