Thursday, April 25, 2024

Another State Joins Scheme Making Its Own Presidential Votes Meaningless

Maine has become the newest state to adopt a controversial scheme that would give the presidency to the winner of each election's "National Popular Vote" and would, in effect, potentially permanently cancel any decision the state's own voters might make.

It joins Maine to a controversial idea that would give all of its Electoral College votes to the winner of that national vote, thus turning over ultimate presidential election power to 12 states: California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey and Virginia.

The decision in Maine means it is joining 16 other states and Washington, D.C., in the plan, which already has pledged 209 electoral votes.

Proponents of the new idea say they don't need a constitutional amendment, which would be nearly impossible to obtain, because it's just an agreement among states to allocate their Electoral College votes in ways they are allowed.

"In 2020, if 21,461 voters had changed their minds, Joe Biden would have been defeated, despite leading by over 7 million votes nationally. Each of these 21,461 voters was 329 times more important than the 7 million voters elsewhere," the compact promoters charge.

ABC reported Darrell West, of the Brookings Institute, explained, "If you look at all the presidential elections from 1992 through 2020, Republicans have won the presidential popular vote only once - and that was in 2004 when [George W.] Bush beat John Kerry in the popular vote. In every other election over the last 30 years, Democrats have won the popular vote, but because of the Electoral College, Republicans have gotten the presidency a couple of times despite losing the popular vote."

"The NPV slogan 'Every Vote Equal' is dishonest because the NPV proposal is based on legalizing vote-stealing. For example, Texas or Louisiana could be forced to cast votes for a candidate who won more votes in other states, such as New York," she explained at the time.

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