Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Left Demands Millions of Human Sacrifices to Appease the Gods of Climate Change

"At their Monday night poker game in hell," writes Mark Steyn, "I'll bet Stalin, Hitler, and Mao are kicking themselves."It's about leaving a better planet for our children?' Why didn't we think of that?" These three evil socialists of yesteryear would certainly be green with envy at the way today's green socialists have convinced millions of citizens to willingly surrender their liberty to the State.

These priorities are reflected in a regulatory bureaucracy that, if it does not claim justification from God, acts as the right hand of Gaia and of sanctified science.

One particular god, Tlaloc, was the god of rain, water, and earthly fertility.

The human sacrifices to this god were, incidentally, children.

"The Aztecs believed that if the god didn't get them, he'd wreak havoc - ruining crops, withholding precious rainwater, and sending bouts of diseases throughout the land.

Bad crop season due to drought? That's climate change.

In any event, the world's mothers are still meant to sacrifice their babies on the altar of the climate gods, and everyone else must pay their tribute, today in the form of increased energy costs and taxpayer-financed subsidies, to companies favorable to the ruling class. 


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