Monday, November 20, 2023

America On The Edge Of The Cliff

There is more than an average share of discontent brewing from sea to shining sea as ever more Americans get the sense that their country, which has been pivotal to ensuring global security, stands on the edge of a cliff.

Due to a confluence of factors, it is hard to imagine America bouncing back.

There are four problems that, if not reversed soon, will lead to collapse, and America will fall.

We've reached an interesting point in our history where Americans are far more likely to be intelligent, wise, and self-controlled if they never set foot in an American university.

A big part of why these institutions stand secure in their corruption and toxic missions is the lack of common values and decency within America today.

The only thing that has slowed down America from suffering the same fate is geography.

It is hard to imagine America flourishing in a world where most of its traditional allies have fallen to Islam.

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