Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Nikki Haley Wants To Destroy The First Amendment

She so obviously lacks a comprehensive understanding of the First Amendment's meaning, which protects an inalienable right, to say nothing of basic distinctions between public and private speech.

The government cannot regulate private speech whatsoever, full stop - particularly the speech of anonymous users of a private company.

America has a longstanding tradition of allowing not only free speech, but free speech under pseudonyms to protect the identity of its author.

Case in point: the Federalist Papers, which Haley clearly has never heard of, that were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, under the pseudonym "Publius" to persuade the general public of the need to ratify the new Constitution, which displaced the much weaker Articles of Confederation.

Whatever the reason, the Founders agreed that anonymous speech fell within the gamut of the First Amendment, and that speech, like all speech, must be guaranteed no matter the cost: for, the right to speak freely is preponderate for a democratic society, from which all other rights flow.

Haley was not around at the time the Constitution was ratified, but if her understanding of the First Amendment was common in the late eighteenth century, America might never have existed as a nation.

At a time in which free speech social media platforms like X, Rumble, and Truth Social are receiving intense scrutiny from far-left watchdog groups, such as Media Matters, and concerted advertiser boycotts led by woke brands, such as Apple and Disney, the need to take a stand on behalf of the First Amendment is stronger than ever.

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