Sunday, November 26, 2023

The 'Complexity' Of Idiocy

Let us explore four instances of the Left's "Complexity" of idiocy driving a narrative harmful to America and the world.

In American domestic policy, the Left is not content with foisting cancel culture upon the country and coopting the corporate media to control the political debate.

Citing imagined "Moderate" mullahs, ignoring the Iranian people's courageous efforts to be free, and abiding the delusion Iran's nuclear program can be managed for solely energy purposes and separated from the regime's exportation of terror, the Left has manufactured the complexity it hopes can convince someone other than themselves that this barbarous, tyrannical government does not really mean it when it screams, "Death to America! Death to Israel!".

The Iran Deal, too, also affords the opportunity to examine how the Left uses their other "Prog whistles" of "Nuance" in conjunction with "Complexity." After ginning up sufficient "Complexity" regarding an issue, the Left then breaks out "Nuance" to both preen about their alleged intellectual and moral superiority and to justify an otherwise obviously imbecilic policy decision.

On the world stage, far from dissipating as it metastasizes from the domestic Left into the global Left, the complexity mounts to more egregious heights of hypocrisy and willful blindness.

The Left's narrative requires its protagonists to be victims, so they can justify any action, however evil, against their imagined "Oppressors." And, because of their hubristic belief they are better than anyone else and, ergo, empowered to propagate the "Noble lie" to attain their allegedly "Altruistic" aims - voila! - the Left transmogrifies the terrorists into "Liberators" and their victims into "Oppressors." While seemingly lost upon and/or callously dismissed by the global Left, the perversity of their global Left's "Complexity" and "Nuance" is not lost upon nor capable of being dismissed by the Hamas terrorists' victims.

As a result, the Left is less a political movement than a neurotic clown collective arrogantly spouting toxic imbecility under the threadbare cloak of intellectual "Complexity" to foist its radical, extreme, and dangerous policies upon Americans.

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