Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Every time he opens his mouth, we get closer to World War III.

Things Joe Biden says have so far not been the major problem.

Which we all know are things you guys have done, as Joe Biden barely knows where he is at any given point in time.

Your inflationary economic policy, assault on free speech, calamitous failure to maintain the Mexican border, and other things don't come from Joe Biden being a moron.

Shouldn't Congress be sprinting to make major changes to the War Powers Act in an effort to make sure Biden can't bumble his way into a war none of us want?

You cannot be sending soldiers to fight in Ukraine against said nuclear juggernaut without putting all of us in more danger of annihilation than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and by the way Joe Biden is not John F. Kennedy.

As Tucker Carlson noted, Joe Biden is leading us dangerously close to a major war that we would be in real danger of losing, with massive casualties not just to our servicemen being fed into the meat grinder but among civilian Americans as well.

So since getting rid of Biden isn't in the cards, we're back to our original request: shut him up, and shut him down. 

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