Saturday, May 1, 2021

Republicans come to Tim Scott's defense amid racist attacks

Republican lawmakers are coming to the defense of Sen. Tim Scott after he faced a torrent of racist responses from some Democrats to his rebuttal to President Biden's first address.

After praising Scott for his characterization of racism in America, Cruz turned his focus toward Twitter, which allowed the racial slur "Uncle Tim" to appear on it's list of trending topics for 12 hours after the speech.

"Twitter, on the other hand - listen, the left is intolerant, the left believes in cancel culture, and there are few things that enrage the left more than minorities that don't sit down and shut up and obey."

"You know that's shameful, that is shameful. If anybody knows Tim Scott, you know him to be the real deal. A wonderful human being that helps all of us understand his growing up, his challenges. He talked about that last night," the West Virginia senator told anchor John Roberts.

Sen. Tim Scott is hitting back himself, accusing the left of exposing their own "Hypocrisy" and "True motivation."

Speaking to Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday evening, Scott described it as "Saddening to see" the kind of backlash he faced as a black man for saying in his address to the nation that "America is not a racist country."

Scott went on to express pride in who he was and how he identified before again calling out the hypocrisy of those going after him. 

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