Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tomorrow Paul Gosar Will Deliver Body Blow to Liberal/Globalist Ruling Class When He Introduces the "MERIT Act"

Nearly two and a half centuries ago, the United States Declaration of Independence bolding asserted that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with the same inalienable rights.

For centuries, America strove to make the Declaration a reality.

At this very moment, U.S. government policy actively encourages employers across the country to engage in overt race and sex discrimination in a fight to achieve "Equality." The Biden administration is forgiving massive loans based only on skin color, and has decided that white male business owners don't deserve any relief from the catastrophic harm of coronavirus lockdowns.

Revolver can now exclusively report Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona is introducing a bill that would bring all this to a halt, immediately.

The Making Excellence Replace Identity Traits Act would force a permanent end to this hateful situation.

"The Federal Government may not establish, implement, or otherwise carry out any hiring practice or program that uses affirmative action based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability as a basis for a personnel action with respect to Federal employees or members of the uniformed services, and no Federal funds may be provided to any entity (including Federal contractors (or subcontractors thereof that has in place any such practice or program."

It would enshrine actual merit as the only valid grounds for rising high in the American government and in American life.


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