Friday, May 28, 2021

Biden's Only Reason to Have a US Consulate to the PLO in Jerusalem is to Undermine Israeli Sovereignty

Biden, or rather Hady Amr, his point man on the conflict, an anti-Israel bundler to his campaign, is pushing to open a consulate to the PLO in Jerusalem.

There's no reason for that direct line to be in Jerusalem.

Some European countries have their missions set up in Jerusalem and others have them set up in Ramallah.

The only reason to have a US consulate in Jerusalem is to undermine Israel's sovereignty.

It's not the best way to be in contact with PLO leaders, but it helps the PLO stake a claim to Jerusalem.

Blinken claims that the consulate needs to be in Jerusalem as a "Platform to be able to more effectively engage not just the Palestinian Authority, but Palestinians from different walks of life, the NGO community, the business community, and others."

Since it isn't, any consulate to the PLO ought to be set up in Ramallah. 

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