Sunday, May 2, 2021

Dem. Sen. Hirono Exposes Herself As Hypocrite On Filibuster – Admits She Supported It But It’s ‘A Vestige Of The Jim Crow Days’

While appearing on "The Daily Show" on Thursday, Sen. Mazie Hirono exposed herself as a massive hypocrite on the filibuster, as she admitted that she supported it when Democrats were the minority in Congress.

Now that Democrats are in power Hirono told Host Trevor Noah that she "Learned from" how Sen. Mitch McConnell conducted himself when he was in the majority "And also that the filibuster is a vestige of the Jim Crow days."

"Previously, and correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like in the past, you were one of the Democrats who said the filibuster needed to be protected," Noah said.

"You know, and a lot of Democrats said the filibuster needs to be protected so that the minority always has a say in which laws are being passed," he added.

Hirono then admitted that she had indeed supported the filibuster in the past, yet she now sees it as racist.

"So, I learned from that and also that the filibuster is a vestige of the Jim Crow days. And so, we need to move on, away from this rule that's not even anything that is in law or in the Constitution."

So Hirono was a big fan of the filibuster when she could use it to her advantage as a member of the minority, but now that Democrats are in power, she sees it as racist. 

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