Sunday, March 28, 2021

Stop Critical Race Theory Before It Destroys America

Something called Critical Race Theory intervened to turn our society around, head it back toward racial enmity and, to be blunt, destroy our country, and with it our common humanity, unless it is stopped.

If you wanted to invent an ideology that actually created racism where it doesn't exist, you could do no better than Critical Race Theory.

These institutions are now leading the charge against free speech, with Critical Race Theory as their intellectual underpinning.

Not only did Critical Theory need yet another turn of the ideological screw, another factor was prominent in this recent rise of CRT. It began to gain acceptance during the very time America elected a black president, not once but twice, providing evidence that a racist society was finally, at least for the most part, in the rear view mirror.

Critical Race Theory was therefore welcome to them as it was to whole sectors of what could be called the American nomenklatura, known to others fallaciously as "Elites."

Now it's everywhere with Antifa and Black Lives Matter leading exemplars of Critical Race Theory played out in the streets.

Among the most courageous doing so now are black men and women who see more clearly, feel more acutely, than any of us the disastrous betrayal of the civil rights movement and of their own people by Critical Race Theory and are opposing it vehemently. 

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