Monday, March 29, 2021

Biden: A Captive to His Handlers

Biden needed a cheat sheet and marked photos of approved reporters.

On March 25, any legitimate reporter would have asked Biden about the falls, if he was taking any medications, if he had ever been diagnosed with dementia, if he was going to make public his medical records, and so forth.

Biden's handlers weren't going to allow anything like that, and no questions about the African Americans who "Ain't black" if they fail to support him, or what he meant when he called a female college student "a lying, dog-faced pony soldier." And so on.

Biden's handlers must resort to emergency measures.

On March 25, they doubtless gave Biden several big fat shots, and he was not better than before - not that he ever set much of a standard.

Like FDR in his waning days, Joe Biden is a pathetic puppet of the Democrats' Harry Hopkins squad. These leftist Green New Dealers want Biden to give America's adversaries everything they want, asking little or nothing in return.

Joe Biden is running for president in 2024, when he'll be 82. 

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