Sunday, March 28, 2021

How Did the Boulder Gunman Obtain His Firearm?

One of the biggest claims is that "Universal background checks" or "Enhanced background checks" could have prevented the gunman from obtaining his firearm.

Alissa purchased his firearm from a Federal Firearms Licensee, meaning he purchased the firearm legally.

Democrats - including President Joe Biden - are pushing for the Senate to pass H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446, a pair of bills that would expand background checks, meaning a seller would have to undergo a background check, even for private sales.

If a person sells their firearm privately, he or she must meet the buyer at an FFL, where the buyer has to fill out the 4473 form and undergo the background check process.

Even if Alissa purchased the firearm from a private party, he would still have to go to an FFL and have a background check run.

In order to be denied for firearm purchases, a felony conviction has to be on a person's record.

Universal background checks sound great on paper, especially to those who are ignorant about firearm policies and legislation, but they do very little to curb "Gun violence." The Boulder shooting is the latest example of where those gun control measures - which proponents guarantee would prevent mass carnage - have failed. 

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