Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Biden will fail and voters will quickly realize that they screwed up

The reason Mr. Biden will fail so soon is that many more millions than voted for him will realize - and quickly - that they made a mistake.

Biden will fail and voters will quickly realize that they screwed up Thousands cheer Trump at rally protesting election results Ignore the histrionics; Democrat lawmakers have objected to last three GOP presidents Specifically, in 1976, it was the collective negative reaction to the Watergate scandal, the resignation of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford's pardon of Nixon.

Mr. Biden would have most likely not been elected had there not been a pandemic.

There was/is a pandemic and Mr. Biden was elected as a consequence.

The Biden administration will suffer as did the Trump administration, albeit with far less negative media attention.

The assumption of the DNC and the Biden administration that the 2020 election was some kind of liberal mandate will fail miserably.

Mr. Biden's kid Hunter, and his family business relationships with China will continue to embarrass, causing Mr. Biden to continue to avoid and misrepresent the issues with a series of increasingly unbelievable statements. 

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