Thursday, January 28, 2021

New York Times Idol-Worships Joe Biden’s Heretical Faith

"Biden's Catholic faith grounds his life and policies." This is the text in the photo caption of a New York Times article by Elizabeth Dias.

Entitled "In Biden's Catholic Faith, an Ascendant Liberal Christianity", the Dias applauds Biden for being "The most religiously observant president in over half a century." The article showers Biden with praises and likens him to Jesus Christ himself for leading the charge in promoting an "Ascendant liberal Christianity" that is being proposed as the purest form of following Christ.

According to Dias Biden's shift is closely united to the person of Jesus and parallel to the teachings of Pope Francis.

There is a concerted effort to align Pope Francis with the president and liberal ideology as a way to excuse Biden and others from clearly contradicting Roman Catholic teaching.

Someway, his open rejection of infallible church teaching on the protection of unborn life makes President Biden more like Jesus to The New York Times.

In the background we hear the refrain again: "We must never focus on sexual politics." Biden's administration is viewed as a breath of fresh air because the last four years have been "Embodied" by "White evangelicals laser-focused on ending abortion." Apparently, it is more crucial to note that these preachers were white rather than discuss the logical position of the Christian stance on abortion grounded in biology and the teachings and life of Christ.

The bishops called for Catholics to pray for Biden and commented that it is "Deeply disturbing and tragic" that any president would support abortion in such a manner, noting that Biden's Catholic faith should change his life and policies. 

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