Thursday, July 30, 2020

Why Electing Joe Biden Will Make The Culture War Even Worse

Even if Biden wins and becomes president, his administration will be run by a shadow president, or, more likely, by several people fighting for that role.

Amid these factions, someone will have to set an agenda, even if a President Biden is incapable of formulating one.

Thus, the culture war will likely escalate under a Biden presidency, as it will be the one thing Democrats will agree on.

Some pundits have speculated that a Biden presidency will cool off the culture war, but culture war is a Biden administration's ticket out of internecine warfare.

Biden's campaign is already using culture war issues to appease the radicals in his party.

No doubt a Biden administration will try to move the country to the economic left, but it will want to do so in ways that don't threaten the migration of Wall Street money and affluent professionals to the Democratic Party.

Those who think that electing Biden will reduce cultural conflict are likely to be disappointed if he is elected.

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