Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Our political and media elite think that Trump and the police are the cause of the ongoing unrest. They couldn’t be more wrong.

The conventional wisdom congealing among elites in Washington, D.C., is that the ongoing riots in cities like Portland and Seattle are the result of otherwise peaceful protesters simply reacting to the presence of police and federal law enforcement.

Video footage and images of violent mobs setting buildings on fire, lobbing bricks and explosives, cutting through fences with blowtorches, and assaulting police and federal officers are all, according to this fashionable theory, merely evidence of the grave threat posed by fascist federal stormtroopers that Trump has unleashed on a quiescent populace.

Over the weekend, ABC News and the Associated Press published articles saying "a peaceful demonstration intensified" in Oakland, California, after rioters set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station, and assaulted police officers.

This is the other big idea taking hold of the establishment: we wouldn't even have these riots and unrest if it weren't for President Trump.

Imagine being so out of touch with the political and cultural currents of American life that you think a Trump defeat in November will disperse the mobs in the street and quell the "Left-wing cultural revolution."

They believe every problem is caused by Trump and getting rid of him is the only answer needed.

That's how you get Democrats pretending that things are bad in Portland only because Trump sent in federal law enforcement agencies to protect federal property, even though the city has been buffeted by riots for weeks on end, long before federal law enforcement arrived.

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