Thursday, July 30, 2020

Biden's Lies for Black Votes

"In February 2020, Young told both The New York Times and The Washington Post that he himself had never been arrested in South Africa, and he said he did not think Biden was either."

"Secondly, in the same South Carolina speech, Biden said he was arrested with Young 'on the streets of Soweto' while trying to visit Mandela on Robben Island."

"As a young man, he took part in sit-ins to desegregate restaurants along U.S. 40 in Delaware," reported the Baltimore Sun following an interview with Biden in 1986.

A Morning News article in September 1975 said that Biden "Joined in sit-ins to desegregate restaurants along U.S. 40 before he joined the Senate."

"Well, I got my education ... in the Black church. Not a joke - because when we used to get organized on Sundays to go out and desegregate movie theaters and things like that, we'd do it through the Black church. I got to admit to you I'd go to my Catholic mass at 7:30 first, and then I'd show up in the Black church." -Joe Biden, Dec. 6, 2019, Iowa campaign stop.

The New York Times wrote: "In ... 1987 ... more than once, advisers had gently reminded Mr. Biden of the problem with this formulation: he had not actually marched during the civil rights movement. And more than once, Mr. Biden assured them he understood - and kept telling the story anyway."

What do these repeated lies illustrate? Biden sees Black people as pawns to whom condescending lies can be told with no fear of retribution, no matter how blatant the falsehood.

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