Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Truth a Major Casualty of Impeachment Hearings

As in any political battle, truth has been one of the major casualties of the impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump.

While the Democratic impeachment managers have accused Trump repeatedly of dishonesty - often with good reason - they themselves have twisted the truth to serve their own political agenda.

Impeachment manager Adam Schiff, for example, claimed that "More than 15,000 Ukrainians have died fighting Russian forces and their proxies" and that the military aid was for "Such essentials as sniper rifles, rocket propelled grenade launchers, radar and other support for the war effort."

While the military aid may have assisted the war effort, Schiff's comments are misleading because the majority of those killed have been Eastern Ukrainians who died at the hands of the Ukrainian military that the U.S. has armed - not the Russians.

At the hearings, Schiff frequently referenced the danger of "Russian expansion" and its efforts to "Remake the map of Europe" and quoted a witness who stated that "The U.S. aids Ukraine and her people so that they can fight Russia over there, and we don't have to fight Russia here."

Schiff's misinformation extends to his defense of Joe Biden.

In his opening statement, Schiff claimed that Biden never wanted the "Corrupt prosecutor removed in order to stop an investigation into Burisma Holdings, on whose board Biden's son Hunter sat."

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