Thursday, January 30, 2020

Mitt Romney: The Dumbest Smart Person?

The Democrats' strategy is clear to one and all: use the impeachment trial as the means to retake the Senate.

So why is it that there are 17 witnesses who are effectively on the opposite side of what John Bolton alleges, and yet one witness, Bolton, will somehow now prove the Democrats' case? Trump himself says Bolton is wrong.

Democrats will yammer for still more witnesses "Out there" who have "The real truth." By surrendering, Romney et al.

The Senate is where Democrats know that Trump is doing the real, long-term damage to their progressive agenda.

So if the goal is to retake the Senate using the strategy of impeachment, then why are Republicans willing to play the Democrats' game? On their turf? And even handing them the ball?

It's not the Republicans' fault that the Democrats plowed ahead with a shoddy case.

Smart smart persons? Or are they truly the dumbest smart persons?

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