Friday, August 24, 2018

Very Interesting Content 3

This item suggests that George Soros' $billions, hateful left wing antics and his Media Matters puppet, David Brock, are behind at least some of the left wing's mainstream and social media's efforts to censor sites that they do not like. Both are bad dudes doing bad things all for the sake of bringing down Trump and bringing the globe under a socialist system of controls by run by wannabe tyrants like them.   Quote: "The recent wave of censorship of conservative voices on the internet by tech giants Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Apple mirrors a plan concocted by a coalition of George Soros-funded, progressive groups to take back power in Washington from President Trump’s administration.  A confidential, 49-page memo for defeating Trump by working with the major social-media platforms to eliminate “right wing propaganda and fake news” was presented in January 2017 by Media Matters founder David Brock at a retreat in Florida with about 100 donors, the Washington Free Beacon reported at the time."

This item addresses one of the Democrats most engaging hypocrisy.  Quote: "The Democrats prove time and again the hypocrisy that they operate with. It is no different for campaign finance violations. They are now calling for reform while ignoring their countless violations and own dirty campaign donations." 
How the political left can claim it works for the good of black Americans is beyond me.  This piece explores that fake notion.   Quote: "Barack Obama, who said his 2008 election was NOT about race, made his 8 years in office all about race, yet the only thing he did was fuel the fires of racial hatred and put more blacks in poverty than when he took office.  Obama promised to work to create more jobs for black Americans, but their unemployment numbers remained much higher than the national average. He promised to improve inner city conditions, but only made them worse. He promised them better schools and better educations, but like all of his other promises to black Americans, he lied and never kept a single promise. The ONLY thing Obama did for black Americans was make life worse."  And,  "Democrats are campaigning that they want to repeal the corporate tax cuts. Who is it who is hiring so many people including black Americans? It's the corporations who are using their tax cuts to employ more people and pay higher wages. Elect Democrats and all that will go away. If Democrats regain control, many black Americans that are now working will lose their jobs, have their hours and possibly their wages cut. Additionally, they'll take homeless out of every dollar they earn. Please explain HOW this is helping to improve the economic conditions for black Americans? The actions of these black business leaders seem completely counter-productive to what they are saying. They want one thing, but are doing what would result in the exact opposite."   

More on the long history of the Democrat's party's mistreatment of American blacks.  Quote: "Do you want to know a secret? The Democrats created racism. Back when slavery was a big deal in the US, it was a big deal everywhere else also. The difference is that here, we stopped it first. We stopped it when no one else was willing to- and we went to war to back up our commitment to the sovereignty of the individual. Now, here the one big thing they will never ever teach you in school- only southern Democrats ever owned slaves. This holds true absolutely without exception. You cannot find a Republican who owned slaves during the build-up to the Civil War. Then, in an attempt to terrorize anti-slavery Republicans, the Democrats created the KKK. But then they pulled a great big sweater over our eyes. They tricked us into believing that the Republicans were the racists and that they still are. Think about it for a minute. Who are the ones always going on about race, attributing things to race, assigning rights and status according to attributes totally beyond the person’s control? It’s liberal Democrats across the board. Just look at the New Deal reformations. Roosevelt’s plan was to lure blacks into the inner cities. He promised them handouts and frightened them with boogie man stories about how the southern landowners wanted them back on the plantation. Since then, the black community has had a tough time moving up the economic ladder. The Democrats convinced African-Americans and everyone else that they were on the side of minorities and that the Republicans hated them. When Lyndon B Johnson pitched the civil rights legislation to the Democratic party in 1962 he said, “I’ll have those n!%%ers voting Democratic for 200 years.”

Al Sharpton is a pretend religious figure who happens to be black.  He has much in his racist past that is not wholesome and indeed literally quite awful. It should be noted that he served as a "close" advisor to Obama on the subject of civil rights. What a joke.  Really... This piece exposes some of the truth of his venomous reality. 

Hollywood type liberals are not nice to people who, even their to those considered to be their own, do not toe the complete liberal, progressive, PC, socialist line.  This item explains. Quote: "Most of the time it’s funny when the left goes after its own people. It’s a little bit scary too because you get to see exactly how toothy and mean these people really are."      

This crazy over the top far left liberal is a presidential hopeful with an agenda that would absolutely destroy our economy.  This fake American Indian is a socialist Democrat and a very dangerous woman.

This socialist Democrat billionaire is trying his best to one up the evil George Soros.  Quote: "Democrat Billionaire Spending $100 Million to Help Antifa, Other Extremist in Party."  And,  "Now, consider extremists on the left. Mainstream outlets and the bulk of spokespersons for the progressives deny the existence of Antifa. Despite hours of footage showing thousands of self-described anti-fascists extremists (you know, indisputable proof), the left pretends like it’s a group that doesn’t exist. They call Antifa the “boogeyman” of the right. Then they outright deny that the violence and destruction wrought by these degenerate psychopaths ever took place. That’s the main difference. The right acknowledges the existence of these extremists in order to condemn them. The left can’t do the same because, at the heart of it all, Antifa represents their core values."    When America's left wing billionaires do things like this we all need to be concerned. They obviously do not have the interests of we the citizens at the core of their "intentions".
More evidence that the political left is completely wrong to support illegal immigration and importing unlimited and unvetted migrant populations into our country.  This is but one of hundreds of examples why they are wrong.  Quote: "A man from Mexico living in the U.S. illegally has confessed to kidnapping college student Mollie Tibbetts while she was running in her small Iowa hometown, killing her and dumping her body in a cornfield, authorities said Tuesday."   One has to really wonder at the mental state of people who want people who behave this way entering our country. 

George Burns

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