Thursday, August 30, 2018

Days of Wrath

His own experience told him that what was going on in the church was not something that could be explained away as a few rogue priests in a diocese where the bishop was insufficiently vigilant.

The most recent revelations-sparked by the Pennsylvania grand jury report on sexual abuse, which has now resulted in accusations that even the Pope himself may have protected abusers-suggest an institutional rot in the Catholic Church, amounting to an existential crisis of the faith.

The crimes are so widespread that, if you grew up in the church, you almost certainly know of a priest who has been defrocked, or worse, led away in handcuffs.

She'd been the quintessential good Catholic her entire life, but it was as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes and she could no longer tolerate what the church had become.

The Pope might believe that the church is eternal, but after the full impact of the scandal is felt, the church in America may be unrecognizable.

Already, the church and its insurance companies have paid out an astounding $3.8 billion to victims of the abuse scandals.

The days of wrath the church now faces may be the almighty's way of telling its leadership that, while the forgiveness of sins may be perpetual, it's not automatic; if righteousness is too much to ask for, then at least remorse is required.

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