Friday, August 31, 2018

This Arms Treaty Is a Pathetic Waste of US Cash. We Should Pull Out.

An increasing number of treaty nations don't pay it the money they owe, or submit the reports they promised to.

Some read paragraph 23 as endorsing the idea of having a list of documents on how to implement the treaty.

The more plausible interpretation is that it allows someone-someone who is not identified-to rewrite those documents, and thereby to re-interpret the treaty at will.

Next year in Geneva, unless we get out of the treaty in the interim, it will be the same.

The Europeans wanted the money controlled by the treaty's secretariat in Geneva; others, led by the Mexicans, wanted the fellowships to stay with the United Nations Development Programme, where they have a bit more pull.

Some of the treaty's more naïve or guilt-ridden member nations contribute a pile of cash to help the developing nations implement the treaty.

If the Arms Trade Treaty has any effect, it will be in places like the U.S. It is not going to make the incompetent competent, or soften the heart of the Iranians.

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