Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Setting the record straight on our long-standing work for ICE and the federal government

It is disheartening to open a newspaper or turn on the TV only to see misleading information and politically-driven insinuations about the services The GEO Group provides to the federal government.

I have been a proud employee at GEO for more than 20 years, and currently serve as the facility administrator of the Aurora ICE Processing Center, which was established in 1986 on a contract with ICE's predecessor, the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Per the government's request, GEO repurposed the facility within 90 days to meet the new needs of those in our care, while meeting both state and federal standards for family facilities.

Our services comply with performance-based standards set by the federal government and adhere to guidelines set by leading third-party accreditation agencies.

Our facilities are subject to unannounced audits by both federal agencies and independent, third-party organizations; there is dedicated ICE staff on-site at all times, and public records requests can be made directly to the government agency for whom we contract.

Working with local Non-Governmental Organizations, these programs permit immigrant families to remain together outside of a facility, integrating technology solutions and case management that provides legal, translation, transportation resources, as well as referrals to community service that assist with shelter, food and health services, among others.

I, along with my colleagues and The GEO Group, work every day to treat those going through immigration proceedings with dignity and respect, and we will continue to provide, high-quality services that meet or exceed the strict standards set by the government. 

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