Thursday, August 2, 2018

Drowning In Debt: These States Are Approaching A Point Of No Return

Having grown up in New Jersey, you understand that Democrats are a tax and spend party and even liberals in the state understand it. The Garden State is a case study in mass exodus; it’s just too expensive to live there anymore. Are there signs that the Democrats get it? Maybe—the heavily Democratic legislature in Trenton had to tell Governor Phil Murphy that his tax increase agenda was more or less not going to happen. Taxes still went up, but it was not the insane proposal the governor’s office had pushed. Still, I doubt Demorats in these states will find rational solution to their fiscal woes. After decades of irresponsibility, these states are approaching a day of reckoning. It's the usual blue state madness crew: New Jersey, New York, Illinois, and California. For some, pension payments are a struggle (via Fox Business): 

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