Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Things That Will Definitely Interest 2

The heart of the Democrat party is corrupt to its core.  See what they planned to do to him to derail his candidacy.  Sick, sick, sick.   https://conservativetribune.com/dnc-plotting-sexual-harassment/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=conservative-brief&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=conservative-tribune   No ethics to be found in their midst.  The leftist academic elite join in propagating hate of anyone who does not agree with them.  This professor serves as an example.   https://www.theburningplatform.com/2017/10/24/professor-tweets-that-white-people-should-commit-mass-suicide/   I suggest he be the first to enact his ridiculously stupid recommendation.  At a minimum he needs to be removed from his position to eliminate further harm he is obviously capable of inflicting.

Here is another dirty Democrat politician.  The numbers of those who qualify for this identification seem to be endless.    http://freebeacon.com/politics/claire-mccaskill-took-action-hide-travel-private-plane-public/?

This item details 25 times Obama committed impeachable offenses.    http://www.wnd.com/2017/05/25-impeachable-obama-scandals-far-more-serious-than-comey-firing/

The bias of the Mueller investigation is being exposed by revelation that are released on an almost daily basis.  Here is another one.  http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/tucker-carlson-muellers-right-hand-man-hillary-clinton-aides-lawyer-video/ 

More on Mueller's corrupt team of Democrat operatives.  Quote: "This looks an awful lot like motivation for launching an investigation into Trump in order to sink Trump as a hedge against Trump’s victory. The FBI’s investigation into Russian governmental interference in the election began in July 2016, just weeks before Strzok’s text message. And that means that there is now more of a smoking gun of FBI corruption against Trump than there is of Trump colluding with Russia. How can Mueller come back from that? He’s fired Strzok and Page, but if the investigation was initially a political hit job, how can it now turn into something good and decent, particularly in the absence of a smoking gun regarding collusion? It’s not just that this is fruit of the poisonous tree — there’s no fruit to show, just the poisonous tree. And as Victor Davis Hanson has written, the Mueller team is filled top-to-bottom with political activists who have a specific anti-Trump agenda."   https://www.dailywire.com/news/24643/one-insane-text-message-may-have-just-fatally-ben-shapiro?

Hillary and her behavior in the cross hairs.  Quote: "Clinton received criticism for initially staying silent after the New York Times reported last week that several women have accused Weinstein, the powerful Hollywood producer and Democratic mega-donor, of sexual harassment, assault, and even rape. The New Yorker subsequently published a story detailing how Italian actress Ambra Battilana Gutierrez staged a sting operation with the police, during which she secretly recorded Weinstein admitting he groped her and that he does so to other women often. Weinstein has donated thousands of dollars to Clinton throughout her political career. He maxed out donations ($5,400) to Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign and gave more than $30,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between Clinton's campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and more than 30 state Democratic parties. The Hollywood mogul has also given at least $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Five days after the initial Times story broke, amid growing criticism, Clinton released a statement condemning Weinstein. "I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein," Clinton said in the statement. "The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior." Clinton then conducted an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, clips of which aired Wednesday night, in which the former presidential candidate said she would re-donate the money she received from Weinstein, but did not specify where it would go. Bourdain, host of CNN's "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown," criticized Clinton for her tepid response on Wednesday night. The Weinstein controversy is personal for Bourdain. He is dating Italian actress and director Asia Argento, one of Weinstein's alleged victims. Clinton aides quickly came to their current or former boss's defense. Clinton's communications director, Nick Merrill, first told Bourdain to "get a grip."  Her former campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon, told Bourdain to "go eat a scorpion." Clinton adviser Adam Parkhomenko called Bourdain's comments "sad."  The Clinton aides also went after CNN media reporter Dylan Byers, who tweeted that Clinton should donate the Weinstein money on top of what she already gives to charity "in order to mean something."    http://freebeacon.com/culture/clinton-aides-gang-boyfriend-harvey-weinstein-accuser/?    Hillary is definitely afraid her close relationship with Weinstein will once and for all destroy her. 

Now that Jimmy Kimmel has been exposed as a moral reprobate will he lose his nighttime show?  Like Weinstein like Kimmel. Quote: "However, according to The Daily Wire, a video has emerged that potentially shows why the oh-so-moral Kimmel hasn’t been particularly outspoken against Weinstein’s actions, as he himself appears to have engaged in similar conduct — for comedy’s sake, of course. In one of Kimmel’s “man on the street” segments, the late night host approached beautiful women and asked them to feel around and grope his crotch in order to determine what sort of object he had stuffed down the front of his pants, which turned out to be a large zucchini. As the various women did so, Kimmel uttered remarks to them like: “You should use two hands,” “You’ve done this before, haven’t you,” “You’re going to make a fine wife,” and “Maybe it would be easier if you put your mouth on it.” He specifically asked one woman her age and seemed relieved when she said she was 18, to which Kimmel replied, “You sure of that? Cause Uncle Jimmy doesn’t need to do time.”   https://conservativetribune.com/video-kimmels-silent-weinstein/?   That is the Jimmy Kimmel formerly known as the conscious of the political left's late night experts in everything important.  What a crock !!!. 

Trump and Sessions are taking on the sexual deviants in our society, both the high and mighty and others. Quote: "In June I reported that President Donald Trump is zeroing in on the elite pedophile rings. There are dozens of politicians, government officials and celebrities – including Harvey Weinstein, Jeff Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Mark Salling and eleven Democratic mayors – who have been arrested or are currently embroiled in major sex or pedophilia scandals since Trump’s election victory. The powerful peers of these sexual predators and pedophiles have vigorously protected them for decades; however, now they’re no longer safe. Trump is fully committed to exposing and stopping the sexual criminality and child sex trafficking that’s run rampant in DC and Hollywood for far too long.On Feb. 23, during a listening session at the White House on human trafficking Trump said: “Dedicated men and women across the federal government have focused on this for some time — as you know it’s been much more focused over the last four weeks.” Trump meant what he said and wasted no time going after child sexual predators. During Trump’s first month in office alone, authorities arrested over 1500 individuals for charges related to pedophilia. The mainstream media not only has refused to cover child sex trafficking among the elites, they’ve actively covered up for pedophiles because many in the media are involved. However, I wrote in February that this story would eventually get so big that the mainstream media will be forced to cover this epidemic. We’ve finally reached that boiling point. On Thursday The New York Times released a bombshell report revealing that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of the Weinstein Company has paid off at least eight women who claimed he sexually assaulted them. He made sexual advances toward Ashley Judd, told an employee on her first day that he’d boost her career if she accepted his sexual advances and forced another employee to give him a massage, according to the report. Although there are no public reports of Weinstein sexually assaulting children or downloading child pornography, he has aggressively defended Roman Polanski who was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl. Not only did Weinstein stick up for the pedophile, he campaigned for the courts to commute his sentence by starting a petition and wrote an entire op-ed on his behalf titled Polanski Has Served His Time & Must Be Freed. Meryl Streep gave Roman Polanksi a standing ovation at the Oscars after he was convicted of child rape and Whoopi Goldberg insisted the sexual assault of the child not a real rape. “I know it wasn’t rape-rape,” Goldberg said."  Not only are most of the elite politicians and celebrities arrested tied to the Clintons, many of them are Democrats. There’s a staggering 11 liberal mayors accused of child sex-related crimes since 2016. Also, authorities arrested Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer and CNN guest Jacob Schwartz for child porn in New York on May 25. Schwartz had 3,000 images of child porn including the rape of a 6-month-old baby. Schwartz’s father, Arthur Schwartz, is a labor lawyer and a prominent Democratic insider. Even though Schwartz appeared on CNN, the network has refused to cover this story to this day. I confronted Jake Tapper on video over the summer at Politicon and asked him why CNN has refused to cover the arrest of Schwartz and other elite pedophiles. Tapper was unable to offer me an explanation. Senator Bob Menendez is accused of sleeping with multiple prostitutes in the Dominican Republic including a minor. The Democratic senator from New Jersey is currently on trial for bribery and corruption charges.  These elite pedophile arrests are just the tip of the iceberg. Weinstein was the first big domino to fall in Hollywood. However, you can rest assured that many more elite child sexual predators – particularly big names in DC and in the entertainment business – will be arrested. When the full truth comes out about how rampant child sex trafficking is in this country, particularly among the elites, the public will remember who had the courage to address this horrendous issue and who chose to turn a blind eye to the rape and torture of infants and kids. As Navy Seal and founder of Veterans for Child Rescue Craig Sawyer has stated, Trump is dedicated to stopping this evil that’s plagued our great nation for far too long. “We’ve got a President now who’s not OK with children being raped and tortured to death so thank God,” Sawyer said."   https://www.theburningplatform.com/2017/10/13/a-few-gallons-drained-from-the-swamp/    The Democrat party is a cesspool of evil.  They pretend to hold the high ground on every issue under the sun.  But now for all to see that is as a false as the day is long.  It has been for a very long time. Everyone should recognize that truth by now.  Can you imaging the cowardly and unsavory Obama ever doing anything even close to this?????  NOT!!!!

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