Friday, January 5, 2018

Multiple References to Potential Crimes Deleted From Early Drafts of Comey's Hillary Email Scandal Memo

First, a few thoughts on the DOJ's reported interest in taking another look at Hillary Clinton's protocol-violating and national security-compromising email server, a scandal about which she lied repeatedly: (1) I'd be a bit surprised if DOJ ends up pursuing charges, as that ship likely sailed when James Comey (wrongly, in my view) chose not to recommendprosecution in July 2016.  (2) I'm somewhat uncomfortable seeing the supposedly-independent Justice Department clearly bowing to incessant political pressure from the president on this subject.  It's true that President Obama telegraphed his preferred outcome while the FBI was probing the matter during the election, and that Attorney General Lynch severely harmed the integrity of the process with her infamous tarmac meeting and subsequent actions.  But conservatives rightly decried undue partisan influence in those cases.  Would Justice be re-examining this case if Trump weren't pounding away at it on social media? (3) Nevertheless, there are multiple questions that still need to be adequately answered regarding how nobody in Mrs. Clinton's orbit was ever held responsible for the grossly negligent scheme she erected for the purposes of avoiding public scrutiny of work-related and exceedingly sensitive emails, some of which the permanently deleted under false pretenses.  One of those questions involves this memo: 

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